Call for Applications: HND25 Side Events
We are excited to announce that applications are now open for Side Events at the High North Dialogue 2025!
Side Events are a key component of the High North Dialogue conference, offering a platform to present and discuss important topics related to society and business in the High North. These sessions will bring together experts, businesses, decision-makers, and youth to engage in meaningful conversations and collaborations.
Application Requirements:
Your application should include the following details:
- Host organization
- Contact person
- Event title
- Brief description of the content (maximum 1500 characters)
- Names of confirmed or potential speakers
- Brief description of the format (panel, workshop, presentation)
Please send your application to:
Deadline (extended): January 20th 2025
Practical Information:
- Each Side Event will be allocated a 60-minute session slot on either Wednesday, March 26 or Thursday, March 27.
- Side Events will take place at the Radisson Blu conference hotel.
- Two to four Side Events will run in parallel, with available venues accommodating 300, 100, and 80 participants.
- All venues will be equipped with five microphones, a screen/projector, and technical support.
- Side Events will not be streamed or equipped for online participation.
- Topics should be relevant to the High North, we especially welcome issues affecting the youth and/or the businesses in the European High North.
- Interactive dialogue with the audience is essential for all Side Events.
- We encourage innovative formats—feel free to be creative!
We look forward to receiving your application and to the exciting discussions at HND25!