Taking place in conjunction with the High North Dialogue, Side Events are an integral part of the conference. These are events that will be organised outside of the main conference program.

If you have any questions regarding Side Events, please get in touch with Andrey Kazakov.

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.

Tuesday April 5

China in the Arctic: External Influence on Regional Governance (ArcGov) – See video
Venue: Stormen Library, Meeting Room 20, second floor (limited to 20 participants)
Day/Time: 09.00-11.00 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of Event: Open/hybrid (link to online streaming via conference platform)

Chairperson/contact: Anders Christoffer Edstrøm

Program overview

This breakout session is a part of the ArcGov project, and will present current work taking place in the three work packages. The three work packages discuss Chinese contributions to, and influence on Arctic Governance mechanisms on a Global (WPI), regional (WP2) and national level (WP3). This is an interactive event. Discussions and feedback on the presentations will be appreciated.

The ArcGov project is partly financed by the Norwegian Research Council, and Nord University. The project partners are High North Center Nord University, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, East China Normal University, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Arctic Center Hokkaido University, and The Arctic Institute Center for Circumpolar Security (TAI).

  • Introduction by Prof. Frode Mellemvik (High North Center, Nord University)
  • Iselin Stensdal (Fridtjof Nansen Institute): Presentation: Arctic waters and global governance institutions: China and UNCLOS §234/IMO’s Polar Code
  • Svein Rottem (Fridtjof Nansen Institute): Presentation: Observing the Arctic Council – the role of China
  • Anders Edstrøm (High North Center Nord University): State of the art paper development on Chinese investments in the Arctic
  • Presentation by Trym Eiterjord (The Arctic Institute): The Arctic in China´s 14th Five-Year Plan.
  • Closing discussion

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



Beyond ESG: Developing a Justice and Equity-Based Tool for Sustainable Economic Development – See video
Venue: Literature Hall at Stormen Library
Day/Time: 13.00-14.30 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Hybrid, Focus Group/Workshop – limit 20 participants, (sign in via conference registration)

Contact person:
Corine Wood-Donnelly (with Roman Sidortsov and Joan Nymand Larsen)


This workshop is part of JUSTNORTH, a Horizon 2020 project. The aim of the workshop is to co-produce a prototype of an assessment and negotiation tool, JUSTscore. The motivation behind the development of JUSTscore stems out of the recognition that different stakeholders place divergent values on various aspects of a project including the process through which decisions about the project are made. The current mechanisms for recognizing, accounting for, and reconciling these differences have been largely inadequate often leading to misunderstanding, frustration, and conflict between stakeholders. The objective of JUSTscore is to remedy these shortcomings and offer a model for achieving more just and equitable decision-making in the Arctic.

Program overview:

  • Introduction to JUSTNORTH
  • Why values are important for sustainable development
  • Aligning and measuring distance between values
  • Looking for the lines that cannot be crossed
  • Operationalising JUSTscore – barriers and opportunities for adoption the real world

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



UArctic Thematic Network on the Blue Economy and the Arctic
Venue: Stormen Library (small meeting room)
Day/Time: 15.00-16.00 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of Event: Closed, by invitation only/hybrid

Chairperson/contact: Andreas Raspotnik

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



InNord. Hvordan blir vi flere i Nord Norge?
Venue: Stormen Library (Meeting Rroom 20, second floor( limited to 20 participants)
Day/Time: 16.30-18.00 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of Event: Open/Hybrid (link to online streaming via conference platform)

Chairperson/contact: Elena Zhurova Sæther (elena.z.saether@nord.no)

Short description:
Prosjektet InnNord: Hvordan blir vi flere i Nord? skal utvikle og formidle kunnskap om hvordan samfunns og næringsaktører kan møte utfordringer knyttet til befolkningsutviklingen i Nord-Norge. Riktig og nok arbeidskraft er helt nødvendig skal landsdelen møte mulighetene for flere store satsinger innenfor grønn energi produksjon, videreforedling av råvarer og nye eksportnæringer som f.eks. batteriproduksjon skaper. Resultatene vil gi viktige innspill til utformingen av politikk og tiltak og gi råd og innspill til bedrifter.

Program overview:

  • Orientering om prosjekt, Frode Mellemvik, direktør ved Nordområdesenteret.
  • Hvor attraktivt er Nord Norge? Innlegg fra Erlend Bullvåg, Nord Universitet.
  • Drøfting i referansegruppe og alle deltakere. Veikart om utviklingen i Nord.

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



What are the secrets to getting EU-funding? – See video
Venue: Literature Hall at Stormen Library
Day/Time: 16.30-18.00 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of the event: Hybrid, Open (sign in via conference registration)

Short description: In this event you will get a brief run through on the main puzzle pieces that needs to be in place, to have the winning bid of an EU-project. You will meet others that are interested in the same topics to make connections for further cooperation on EU proposal development.

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



Spenning mellom vekst og vern i Arktis
Venue: Piccadilly pub (sign in via conference registration)
Day/time: Starts at 19.00
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of the event:
Live, Open for the public (free)

Arne O. Holm


Beate Steinveg

Short description:
Dette arrangementet er primært rettet mot befolkningen i Bodø og deltakere på High North Dialogue. Tema for arrangementet er spenningen mellom vekst og vern i Arktis og hvordan ulike interesser kommer til uttrykk. Arrangementet består av korte innledninger av forskerne i panelet, etterfulgt av spørsmål fra salen.

Program overview:

  • Introduction (5 min) of the participants in the “panel” and our research
    • Svein Rottem: Norway’s upcoming chairmanship in the Arctic Council (2023)
    • Beate Steinveg: Norwegian interests and conference engagement
    • Andreas Raspotnik: EU political perspective on the Arctic
    • Ingrid Agnete Medby: Popular perceptions about the Arctic
    • Jan-Gunnar Winther: The Ocean Panel and opportunities for Norway
  • Questions from the audience
    • Moderator: Arne O. Holm
  • Quiz (from approximately 8 p.m.).
    • Moderator: Tiril Vold Hansen

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



Wednesday April 6

North Norway and the new EU Arctic Policy: where do we go from here? – See video
Venue: Literature Hall at Stormen Library, Bodø
Day/Time: 08:30-09:30 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of the event:
Live, Open (sign in via conference registration)

Contact person:
Tina Melfjord, / Janni Ekrem


Short description:
At the end of 2021, the anticipated update of the EU Arctic Policy was published. The policy is ambitious and more concrete than previously, clearly stating that it will contribute to reaching the targets set in the EU Green Deal; climate neutrality by 2050. The Arctic Policy therefore contains a number of policy targets and tools, while also stating that sustainable development and growth in the Arctic is key and acknowledging the need to stop the climate changes. Resilience is another key target.

The EUs increased focus and priority with regards to the development of the Arctic will lead to opportunities for North Norway; for the business sector, research and innovation, education, municipalities and regions. In short, everyone in North Norway.

We invite those interested in taking advantage of these possibilities to a breakfast seminar where we will discuss what this means for North Norway – and how to get onboard the train.

Program overview:

  • Keynote speech by Iben Ellergaard Nielsen, Political Adviser to EU, Special Envoy for Arctic matters, Secretariat-General of the EEAS, European External Action Service
    Introduction of EUs Arctic Policy and thoughts on what North Norway should do now / going forward, to take advantage of the opportunities brought forward by the updated policy.
  • Linda Helén Haukland, Executive of Economic Development, Nordland County Council
    How will Nordland County Council contribute to reaching the objectives set in the EU Arctic policy? How will projects such as Bodø as European Capital of Culture in 2024 contribute?
  • Bjørn Olsen, Professor, Nord University Business School
    How should the research and innovation sector in North Norway contribute to the goals set in EU Arctic Policy?  And what possibilities and challenges do they see in the policy?
  • Q&A
  • Closing remarks by Nils Kristian Sørheim Nilsen, director, North Norway European Office.

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



From AlaskaNor to ArcBlue – Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Arctic – See video
Venue: Stormen Library (Room 20, second floor, limited to 20 participants)
Time: 09:30 – 10:30 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Open/Live/Hybrid (link for online streaming via conference platform)

Andreas Raspotnik



Over the past three years, the AlaskaNor project analysed the blue economy potential of Alaska and North Norway and related opportunities for cooperation between these two Arctic regions, particular regarding offshore energy, maritime transportation, and fisheries & aquaculture. The overall objective was not only to improve knowledge concerning the blue economy but in turn to also enhance related knowledge in businesses and amongst regional decision-makers and stakeholders. A key issue that arose from this process is the question of how the comparative advantages of key Arctic regions (e.g. Norway, the United States) can form a joint common advantage for future strength and development based on regional advantages.

In this side event, we will present some key findings of the AlaskaNor project, particularly regarding fisheries & aquaculture. Moreover, we will also present our ideas for a follow-up project – ArcBlue – on how to foster regional collaboration between North Norway, Alaska and Northwest Russia in the fisheries sector. In times when political relations between some Arctic states, albeit not necessarily over Arctic issues, are somewhat fracturing, can regional collaboration between stakeholders from Norway, the United States and Russia help to foster Arctic cooperation?

Program overview 

  • Introduction by Andreas Raspotnik, Senior Researcher, High North Center for Business and Governance & AlaskaNor Project Manager
  • Blue Fisheries & Aquaculture: Fisheries and Aquaculture in Alaska and North Norway. Presentation by Apostolos Tsiouvalas, Research Associate, The Arctic Institute
  • The Future of Fisheries & Mariculture in Alaska. Presentation by Ian Laing, Director, Institute of the North
  • From Norway to Russia – The Future of Fisheries Collaboration in the European North. Presentation by Geir Hønneland, Professor II, High North Center for Business and Governance & Secretary General,Norwegian Helsinki Committee
  • Q&A

Download report:

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



Status: Northern Hydrogen Projects – See video
Venue: Online
Time: 10:00-11:30 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of the event:
Open (sign via conference platform)

Petter Nore

Short description:
There is today great activity in the hydrogen-sector in the High North.  In this session HND will gather key companies that participate in the emergence of this new economic sector in the region The session will have a wide approach. It will include companies that aim to produce either green or blue hydrogen/ammonia and shows its use in different industrial sectors in different countries Each company will have ample time to present the status and prospect of their respective projects followed by Q &A. The session will conclude with a discussion about limits and opportunities for hydrogen in a regional perspective.

Program overview:

  • 1000-1010: Introduction: Petter Nore Nord UniversityIntroductions by panel participants followed by Q&A for each project
  • 1010-1025 Stein Mathisen, Varanger Kraft
  • 1025-1040 Lars Brenne, Horisont Energi
  • 1040-1055 Jon Clipsham, Protium («Green hydrogen hub for the Highlands”)
  • 1055-1110 Mikael Nordlander, Vattenfall (tbc)
  • 1110-1130 Panel discussion and questions from the audience:
    Common hydrogen challenges across the High North
    The division of labour between government, business and local communities

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



NORDLAB: Nord University Preparedness Management LAB – See video
Venue: Stormen Library (Literature hall)
Day/Time: 10.30-11.30 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of Event: Open, live

Chairperson/contact: Natalia Andreassen (natalia.andreassen@nord.no)

Program overview:

In this side-event, we will focus on the importance of collaboration between academia, the professional preparedness institutions and industry. We will give an overview of our work with tailor-made education and exercises to enhance emergency management readiness and collaboration effectiveness through using innovative platforms such NORDLAB. We will introduce our research projects on competence demands among professionals operating in complexity in the Arctic environments, resilience and “wicked problems” within crisis management. Then our advisors will demonstrate some of our simulator technologies outside the Literature hall in the Stormen Library. This session is organized by NORDLAB, emergency preparedness laboratory at Nord University.

  • Natalia Andreassen, Associate Professor, Nord University Business School, NORDLAB
  • Line Djernæs Sandbakken, Stipendiat, Nord University Business School, NORDLAB
  • James Badu, Stipendiat, Nord University Business School
  • Rune Elvegård, Senior Advisor, Nord University Business School, NORDLAB
  • Bengt Hansen, Senior Advisor, Nord University Business School, NORDLAB

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



Thursday April 7

Bruken av planverk for å skape nærings- og befolkningsutvikling i nord – See video
Venue: Litteratursalen, Stormen Library, Bodø
Day/Time: 13:30-17:30 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of the event:
Norwegian, Open (sign in via conference registration)

Chairperson: Robert Isaksen and Grete Ellingsen

Short description:

  • Har vi den takten vi behøver i kommunene, når ressursene i Nord-Norge skal tas i full bruk?
  • Hvor mye stopper opp eller forsinkes på grunn av manglende eller gammelt planverk?
  • Hvem og hvilken kompetanse trengs for å få til gode planer, raske reguleringsprosesser og ønsket utvikling?

Program overview:

  1. Skape en felles forståelse:
  • Statsforvalteren i Troms og Finnmark ved Jan Peder Andreassen
    – Plansystemet på 123, muligheter og begrensninger.
  • KS Nord-Norge ved seniorrådgiver Mona Halsbakk
    – Samfunnsplanlegging som politikerens viktigste utviklingsverktøy?
  • Nord Universitet ved professor Olof Stjernström
    – Vi leverer kompetansebehovet på plansiden.
  • Nordland Fylkeskommune ved fylkesråd Linda Haukland
    – Rollen som samfunnsutvikler overfor kommunene.
  • Innovasjon Norge ved avdelingsleder Jan Fredrik Korpe
    – Hva ser internasjonale bedrifter etter når de skal etablere seg?
  1. Erfaringer fra virkeligheten:
    Hvorfor er planer viktige, hva bremser og hva øker utviklingstakten?
  • Træna kommune ved kommunedirektør Torill Fogelberg Hansen
  • Meløy kommune ved kommunedirektør Adelheid Kristiansen
  • Vågan kommune ved samfunnsplanlegger Vågard Erdahl Nyaas
  1. Kan man gjennom interkommunalt samarbeid styrke samfunnsplanlegging i kommunene?
  • Målselv kommune ved kommunedirektør Frode Skuggedal
  • Studiesenteret RKK Vefsen ved Ida Marie T. Granmo


  1. Panelsamtale og oppsummering
  • HVEM, HVA, NÅR – NORD-NORGE 2022- 2032

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.



High North Dialogue Research Workshop> The Perspectives of the Youth – See video
Venue: Stormen Library (Room 20, second floor, limited to 20 participants)
Time: 16:00-17:30 CEST (UTC +2)
[expand title=”About event”]

Type of the event: Open /Hybrid (live – limited for 20 participants). Link via conference platform

Chairperson: Elena Zhurova Sæther, Researcher at High North Center at Nord University Business School

Part 1. Key speakers & student presentations

 16:00-16:20      How will converging geophysical and socioeconomic pressures shape Arctic development between now and 2050?

Peggy Wilcox, Doctoral Fellow | Assistant Policy Researcher

Pardee RAND Graduate School | RAND Corporation

 16:20-16:35      Young scholars and media/social media. Worth doing, and how to succeed?  

Lillian Hussong, the Interim President and Managing Director of The Arctic Institute.

16:35-16:55     The Changing Arctic in a Global Context

Laurence C. Smith, John Atwater, and Diana Nelson University Professor of Environmental Studies


Part 2. Student presentations

 17:00-17:20      An Analysis of Water, Energy, and Food (WEF) Security in Alaska

Chloe Smith Lopez, MSc student, University of Saskatchewan

Discussant: Olivia Pfeifer, Master in Public Administration, University of Alaska Anchorage

17:20-17:30     The Cost of Climate Change to Arctic Communities and Infrastructure

Sonia Clemens, The George Washington University


Summary and closing of the Research Workshop

PS! You must register for the entire conference to be able to register for the Side Events. After filling out the required fields in the registration form, you can choose the side events you want to attend.
