
Nord-Norge ut i Europa: Lunsjwebinar om Erasmus+

This breakout session is in Norwegian only.  Hvordan kan Nord-Norge utnytte mulighetene i Erasmus+? Hva er nytt i det nye programmet for perioden 2021-2027? og hvilke erfaringer har nordnorske aktører fra å utnytte mulighetene? Dette er noe av det vi vil snakke om under webinaret om Erasmus+ under High North Dialogue.

Vi ønsker å invitere dere til å ta lunsjen 20. april sammen med oss om den nye programperioden i Erasmus+. Nord-Norge har mange muligheter for internasjonalisering i Erasmus+, men for å lykkes må man starte allerede nå. De første utlysningene kom ut rett før påske, og har frist allerede nå i vår.

Hvordan kan vi utnytte potensialet bedre? Webinaret vil presentere den nye programperioden i Erasmus+, og hvilke muligheter som finnes både på for videregående utdanning og universitetene, men også for ansatte. Du vil få høre nordnorske erfaringer med Erasmus+, og få muligheten til å stille spørsmål til ekspertene.

Venue: Online
Time: 12:00-13:30 CEST (UTC +2)
Type of event: Open (sign in via conference registration)
Contact person: Janni Ekrem

Northern Hydrogen Projects

A number of Northern Norwegian hydrogen projects have recently been launched. The Hydrogen in the North breakout session will present 4-5 of these and give time for a more detailed discussion around each of the projects. There will also be presentation of planned hydrogen projects in Scotland. The breakout session will then wrap up with a discussion around common challenges and opportunities facing the presented projects.

Program overview:

  • Varanger Kraft/ Aker Horizon/green ammonia in Berlevåg (Stein Mathisen, Director of Communication)
  • “Green Hydrogen hub for the Highlands” (Nigel Holmes, CEO of Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association)
  • Horizon Energy (Bjørgulf Eidesen, CEO Horisont Energi)
  • CELSA (Jan Gabor, Director Property Development, Mo Industrial Park)

Venue: Online
Time: 14:00-15:30 CEST (UTC +2)
Type of event: Open (sign in via conference registration)
Chairperson: Petter Nore 

Business Index North

Venue: Online
Time: 12:00-13:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Type of event: Project meeting for Business Index North (by invitation only)
Chair: Andrey Mineev

Sustainable Development and Innovations in the Barents Region

Venue: Online
Time: 13:15-13:45 CEST (UTC +2)
Type of the event: Open (sign in via conference registration)
Moderator: Andrey Mineev


3 Years of AlaskaNor: Arctic Maritime Transportation in a post-Covid-19 world

Venue: Online
Time: 16:30-17:30 CEST (UTC +2)
Type of event: Open (sign in via conference registration)
Chair: Andreas Raspotnik
Website: www.alaskanor.com
Alaska and North Norway share similar characteristics, particularly regarding the regions’ economic dependence on maritime industries and their potential for blue economy development. However, no knowledge has been shared or even attained yet concerning the opportunities for both regions to mutually tackle the manifold challenges of regionally developing their blue economy. Over the past three years, the AlaskaNor project has aimed to addresses this knowledge gap.

In this breakout session we will discuss AlaskaNor’s thoughts on Arctic maritime transportation in a post-Covid-19 world.

Program overview:

  • Introduction & Moderation: Andreas Raspotnik, AlaskaNor project manager
  • AlaskaNor and Arctic maritime transportation: Malte Humpert, The Arctic Institute – Center for Circumpolar Security Studies
  • Arctic maritime transportation in a post Covid-world, perspectives from Alaska and North Norway
    • Mead Treadwell, Former Alaska Lt. Governor
    • Kjell Stokvik, Center for High North Logistics

MAREC project

Venue: Online
Time: 15:30-17:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Type of event: Closed project meeting (by invitation only)
Contact person: Andrey Kazakov


ARCTIC-2050: Mapping the Future of the Arctic

Arctic development has significantly intensified in the last few years. The volatile dynamics, complexity, and interdependence of the regional driving forces make the future Arctic landscape extremely uncertain and ambiguous. The Arctic-2050 roundtable aims to identify how institutional and innovation development can make the intensification of economic activity in the Arctic a key driver of the sustainable development of the region, including social and environmental perspectives.

Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO and the Nord University Business School developed four narratives for the Arctic until 2050 describing possible futures depending on the pace of innovations and quality of institutes. The roundtable opens up a multi-stakeholder dialogue to critically assess the scenarios, discuss threats and opportunities for the economy, cities, and communities, and sketch recommendations for the long-term
leadership agenda in business, policy, and the third sector.

Check arctic2050.info for more information on the “Arctic-2050: Mapping the Future of the Arctic” scenario report

Moderator: Alexey Kalinin, Academic Director, SKOLKOVO Institute for Emerging Market Studies

Speakers and participants:

  • Frode Nilssen, DSc and Professor in Marketing, Nord University Business School (welcome address)
  • Alexandra Middleton, Assistant Professor, Oulu Business School, University of Oulu (Report Summary)
  • Heidar Gudjonsson, Arctic Economic Council, Chairman Arctic Economic Council
  • Nikolay Korchunov, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
  • Polina Lion, Chief Sustainability Officer, Rosatom Group
  • Tero Vauraste, Regional Director Europe at ICEYE and Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center
  • Jan Dusik, Sustainable Development & Governance Lead, WWF Arctic Programme
  • Anne Rännäli-Kontturi, International Affairs Manager, City of Oulu

Venue: Online (the link to the meeting will be sent 22.04.21)
Time: 09:00 -10:30 CEST (UTC +2)
Type of event: Open (sign in via conference registration)
Contact person: Anastasia Lazariva t: +7 985 625 0638

Significance of Eurasian Arctic Transshipment Hubs for Arctic Shipping: Implications for Regional Planning

Transshipment hubs in the northern latitudes could add a new dimension to global trade and be a catalyst for increased regional and industrial development in the High North. Increased transshipment simplifies the transport network allowing it to deal with increased volume resulting in reduced shipping costs. Such hubs could provide cargo storage facilities and various port and industrial services for shipping in the Eurasian Arctic.

The seminar is organized by the Centre for High North Logistics, Nord University. The seminar will have two parts. During the first part CHNL will present work in progress connected to port infrastructure development in the Arctic. During the second part, the discussion will open out to the audience in order to provide feedback to current research progress.

The research results as well as the audience discussion will focus on the following aspects: What makes a port an important Arctic transshipment hub; and what is the socio-economic significance of Eurasian Arctic transshipment hubs for future development of shipping in the Arctic and in promoting regional and industrial development?

Venue: Online (the link to the meeting will be sent 22.04.21)
Time: 11:00-13:20 CEST (UTC +2)
Type of Event: Online (sign in via conference registration)
Moderator: Kjell Stokvik
Contact person: Roberto Rivas Hermann/+47 75 51 78 39


The Perspectives of the Youth

Venue: Online (the link to the meeting will be sent 26.04.21)
Time: 09:00 -12:30 CEST (UTC +2)
Type of the event: Open (sign in via conference registration)
Contact person: Elena Zhurova

For more information on Breakout sessions and our offer, please contact Andrey Kazakov,  andrey.kazakov@nord.no / +47 75 51 71 76