Save the dates
The High North Dialogue Conference in 2016 will be held in Bodø on 25th and 26th of May (with a course for PhD and Master students from 23th to 27th of May). The conference Arctic Business will be held in Bodø simultaneously. This gives us plenty of opportunities for cooperation and joint programs, to everyone’s delight and benefit. The High North Dialogue will in even higher degree than previously be directed towards The High North’s future leaders within business, management, politics and academia.
Møttes i Bodø, fortsetter dialogen
Under High North Dialogue i Bodø i mars møttes Russlands generalkonsul Mikahil Noskov (til venstre) og Knut-Eirik Dybdal fra Arctic Race of Norway, og de fant raskt ut at det er grunn til å arbeide for å ta sykkelrittet over på russisk jord.
Nå har dialogen fortsatt, melder Harstad Tidende.
“Adds new substance to the Arctic conference table”
The Arctic Institute has evaluated High North Dialogue, and concludes:
“The key to a successful conference is to capture both crowds. It is at this point that the dialogue aspect comes into play. With 150-200 students coming from the Nordics, North America, Russia, Ukraine and Europe at large, the conference may further benefit from including the voices of the attending Master- and PhD-students. These participants will define the future of the region. Giving them the floor, either through presentations in specifically student-oriented panels or through in-depth Q&A sessions, can be an additional value of the High North Dialogue in the future.”
Read more.

“Outlook appears bright for Norwegian Arctic”
PhD-student Mia Bennett from UCLA in California was one of the speakers during HND 15. She has also made a summary of HND in her blog, with the headline “At High North Dialogue, outlook appears bright for Norwegian Arctic”. Read her blogpost here.
-Inherent that they try to exploit the possibilities of extending their continental shelves beyond 200 nautical miles
Christian Marcussen: I think it’s inherent for all coastal states that they try to exploit the possibilities of extending their continental shelves beyond 200 nautical miles, and of course article 76 gives the coastal states this opportunity. And as I said, you never know what resources there might be a 100 years from now, so I think it is just to secure the rights, and also to define this type of boundary.
Read and listen here.
The High North Dialogue-week has started with Master- and PhD Courses. The students having coffee before the lecture is starting are (to the left) Dario Iulia Nella (Italia/University of Oslo), Emmi Ikonen (Finland/NMBU, Ås) and Albek Myrzamuratov (Russia, Gubkin) Follow HND on Twitter also (#HND15)
Samler fremtidens ledere
Om noen år skal de lede nordområdene. Midt i mars møtes de i Bodø for å diskutere sikkerhet og næringsutvikling. Det skjer under konferansen High North Dialogue.

High North Dialogue skiller seg fra andre arktiske konferanser: Der andre konferanser primært samler dagens ledere, er High North Dialogues ambisjon å lage et møtested mellom fremtidens ledere i Amerika, Europa og Asia og de som i dag leder næringsliv, akademia og politikk i nord.
– Vi er svært godt tilfreds med et solid program og ditto foredragsholdere. Konferansen tar opp høyaktuelle temaer som går rett inn i debatten om nordområdene nå, sier seniorrådgiver Lill Hilde Kaldager, som koordinerer konferansen hos Nordområdesenteret ved Handelshøgskolen, Nord Universitet.
Hvem eier Nordpolen? Hva skjer med Arktisk råd når USA overtar formannskapet? Hva særpreger arbeid med sikkerhet og beredskap i nordområdene? Hvordan bør energiressursene i Arktis forvaltes? Hva betyr Arktis for Asia, og hvordan tenker det offisielle Russland om nordområdene nå?
Dette er noen av spørsmålene som skal besvares under 11 sesjoner over to dager, gjennom foredrag og paneldiskusjoner. Blant bidragsyterne er Russlands ambassasdør Vyacheslav A. Pavlovski, den kanadiske professoren Michael Byers, Cicero-direktør Kristin Halvorsen, doktor Su Ping fra Shanghai og professor Laurence Smith fra UCLA i USA.
High North Dialogue forventer mer enn 300 deltakere til konferansen. Mange av dem er master- og PhD-studenter som er opptatt av nordområdene, og som kommer fra universiteter fra de fleste verdenshjørner.
Norway’s former Finance Minister Conserned about Climate Change and Arctic Security
-Only interdisciplinary research can tackle the comprehensive problems of climate change and consequently provide scientific support for decision- and policymakers, says Kristin Halvorsen, former Minister of Finance, and now Director of CICERO. Read more and listen to the podcast at High North News.
Nordområdene et hett tema
80 personer strømmet inn i en av salene i Europaparlamentet da det nordnorske europakontoret den siste onsdagen i januar inviterte til seminar i samarbeid med Nordområdesenteret og High North Dialogue-konferansen. Den store deltakelsen bekrefter en økende interesse for nordområdene i EU, som skal fastsette sin arktiske strategi i løpet av året.
Les mer om seminaret på nettsidene til Nord-Norge-kontoret i Brussel her.
Les artikkel om seminaret hos High North News her.
August 2014:
New Partnership
The High North Center has signed a one-year partnership agreement with The Arctic Institute (TAI) with the ambition of extending it further. TAI will help the Center to develop the High North Dialogue conference, to be held in Bodø on March 17-19, 2015. Andreas Østhagen is the norwegian member of TAI.
The High North Dialogue conference is a continuation of the previously named “Arctic Dialogue” conferences. In contrast to many Arctic-themed conferences aims to attract students interested in Arctic/High North issues.
Having previously collaborated with the High North Center on Arctic Dialogue 2014, TAI has now taken collaboration one step further and signed a partnership agreement for 2014/2015. As the High North Dialogue conference expands in size and participants, TAI will assist in putting together the program, spreading conference material and providing background information and analysis.
Established in 2011 in Washington DC, The Arctic Institute (TAI) is an interdisciplinary, independent think tank focused on Arctic policy issues. TAI is a think tank for the 21st century – a network of young professionals who work from locations around the globe and who represent expertise in many different disciplines.Currently TAI members are located in Washington DC, Berlin, Oslo and Copenhagen.
Information about The Arctic Institute